If I could go back in time and visit my 18-year-old self, I’d tell him this: ‘Write jokes. Perform them. Develop comedy ideas. STAY AWAY FROM EDINBURGH.’
And my 18-year-old self would smile and ignore me, because he already knows better.
Regular listeners to self publishing podcasts will know that for your novel to stand a chance of succeeding it requires a gripping story, compelling characters, snappy dialogue, a world for the reader to escape to. Plus a great title, professional cover, creative marketing – oh and ideally you’ll have at least three of them in
Since lockdown I’ve been running a series of courses designed to help you speed from nought to first draft. To write a sitcom in eight weeks flat. I’ve run this course ten times now and have been amazed at the response. Initially thought hardly anyone would get there. In the ad for my course I
Exciting news – the much-cancelled BCG Pro Big Comedy Conference has finally slain the mighty Covid dragon and is using St George’s Day weekend to celebrate a return to real life networking for comedy writers. And there’s an extra bonus if you live near London or are planning to stay overnight – a Sunday session where
There are many ways to start your career as a comedy writer, but nothing gets you noticed faster than being able to write topical jokes for the radio.
Episode 202 of Sitcom Geeks is all about YOUR VOICE. What is it? How do you find it? Why is it so important?
If you want to be a great sitcom writer you have to learn how to write great sketches.