Script and novel reading

“It’s safe to say that I owe you a beverage of your choice. The two reports you did for me earlier in the year were great for building my confidence and also knocking the script into shape!”

Alistair Linsell, winner 2020 BAFTA Rocliffe Comedy Script

I’ve been working as a professional reader for more than 20 years for TV, radio and individual writers.

I offer a range of services – sitcom, novel, movies, comedy-drama – at different levels from single script in-depth analysis to more general overviews of shows, series, novels, treatments and works in progress.

If you would like to find out more about having your script read and fully diagnosed at a competitive professional rate, complete with advice and suggestions for improvements, contact me at

Send me the first 5,000 words of your novel. You can get more details on my novel reading service from the above address.

What people have said about my script-reading

“Dave Cohen gives great notes.” 
Sam Bain, co-creator Peep Show, Fresh Meat, Babylon 

“Dave is a highly experienced comedy writer and a terrific teacher. Not many people know more about the craft.”
Bill Dare senior tutor NFTS Comedy Writing course

“I’m so grateful for the help Dave gave me with my topical writing, without which I would never have got my sketch broadcast on the radio.” 
Elliott Scott, paid writer (since 2018)

“Thanks for providing a guiding light on this and you have spurred me on to give a solid rewrite armed with your wisdom.”
Adam Bishop, sitcom writer, Sydney, Australia

Have a look at my comedy-writing classes.